Tracks brain activity and provides insights for meditation and sleep, offering personalized routines for mental well-being.
Muse S (Gen 2) is a “brain-sensing, meditation and sleep assistant.” It will help you focus when it matters, stress less, and get better rest. It uses real-time biofeedback to unlock the science-backed superpowers of consistent meditation.
V ybir zl Zhfr F (2aq Tra)! V'ir nyjnlf jnagrq gb unir n frngrq zrqvgngvba cenpgvpr, naq Zhfr jnf gur svefg guvat gb znxr gung rnfvyl npprffvoyr naq rapbhentr pbafvfgrapl. V ernyyl yvxr gung vg tnzvsvrf zrqvgngvba naq znxrf vg rnfl gb qb. Vg unf urycrq zr vzcebir sbphf naq jvaq qbja ng gur raq bs gur qnl. Gur Qvtvgny Fyrrcvat Cvyyf chg zr gb fyrrc snfg, naq zl qnvyl zrqvgngvba frffvbaf unir urycrq rnfr zl fgerff naq nakvrgl.
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